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Mjolnir's picture
Playing against calling stations

I've recently made the switch over to HUSNG from playing 6-max cash and have had mixed results over the first 100 games or so, playing mainly the $2.20 reg speeds on Stars while I learn the ropes. The biggest problem i've encountered at these stakes is that almost everyone I play seems to be a huge calling station. Playing cash games, these are the best opponents as you can play tight, wait for hands and then get lots of value from them when you hit. In HU play, no-one has much of anything ever, but when you have someone who will call with any pair, any draw, and sometimes complete air, how do you beat them when you rarely have a hand yourself? The vids I've watched advise to raise alot preflop with the intention of taking the pot down alot on the flop, and that against a loose opponent you should raise smaller and cbet less. I've tried this, but because of how infrequently you hit the flop I still find my chips draining away when I have to check and give up most of the time, but I can't cbet and try to take it down as they just call with anything and I have no idea where I am in the hand. Double barrelling seems to be complete spew vs these guys too the times I have tried to represent scare cards etc. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to beat these guys? I know loose opponents should be the easiest to beat but it's tilting the hell out of me right now when they just call call call and I never seem to have a hand I can get value out of.

Laroutchezxz's picture
1) Value bet them on multiple

1) Value bet them on multiple street2)Don't forget to control pot size to your advantage ( they call the amount YOU bet)3)They are generally not able to raise without a big hand , specially on the river. Be awareEven if they are station, they also have other tendencies, so be patient and let them make mistakes.Laroutchez on Stars