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Jakucevicius's picture
Please review my 3 hypr-turbo 7$ HUSNGs and tell me the mistakes that i've made

Here are 3 game of me playing at 7$ limit. I'm quite new to HU sngs so I want good players to evaluate my play and tell me if I do anything wrong,Download link: http://www.4shared.com/file/_txO4M8F/3-games.html Please leave commends like: game # in hand ### you did ####. So that I could track down the hands and see them for my self. Thanks for all the help.

Jakucevicius's picture
P.S. my name is Jakucevicius

P.S. my name is Jakucevicius in game

outs_on_the_moon's picture
Hey Jaku.... I think it's

Hey Jaku.... I think it's better if you put your hand through the husng handconverter and put in the work yourself to post it decently here in the forum. Now your asking me and other people to do all the work for you &.... yeah, maybe another time

Urban's picture
Hi. First game since a player

Hi. First game since a player was aggresive and 3beting you light, I would recomand here to tighten up a litle your pf range. I think you should fold one or two hands pf here . And you should fold A6o to his 3bet, since it was his first. And Q4s you can call to minrase and sometimes fold. So you fold pf just one hand since he is folding alitle more. So he nows you open up wide that is why he continue 3bet u more. So you should adjust to tighten up alitle. You can limp some hand like K3o some time to time and you should mixing up if he atacks your limp especialy when blind go higher so next time you limp good hand and set him up. But it is imprtand to start with some limps early, cause it gives you information about player very early in the mach and with not much damage. You can set it up later in the game when effective stack is smaller and one wrong atack to your limp is fatal for him since he is more comited to the pot. In general your pf game is ok but you should adjust to that kind of players. But you put your money good when you have a draw. You have right to call cbet on flop with your draw and you get there so its ok. So this would be my review for first match Sry for my English.

Jakucevicius's picture
Thank you very much Urban :)

Thank you very much Urban :)