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RRReyeMMM's picture
poker game of skill?

Now I am like a crying idiot I know but I am 20 buyins under all in ev after 100 match,coolered or crashing by retards with impossible runner runner after I am barreling, value beting...I am trying not to tilt not to make a big mistakes but my results are still 3-5% roi on fish 10 dollars stakes... Its so frustrating to see how opponents are making terrible moves with their hands,how they are missing value by slowplaying their nuts but at the end they have the same results like me...I am beting dry boards against non callingstations,check-raising dry boards if I think that my opponents know that I am betting dry boards...I am loose-aggressive vs. tight players,tight agressive vs. loose passive players and so.I am trying to do everything but nothing dont work...I really start to think that players with a best results are just something like a lottery winners,they are raning hot or hotter like everyone else for thousands of games and that is only one edge.

athanatos's picture
I know how you feel. I

I know how you feel. I haven't played enough to offer you much insight, but look at most of the pro's graphs, they often have some pretty sick downswings too. If you read some of their blogs, you'll often find entries where they write that they feel they just can't win, etc... but then you'll see a month later they are on top of the world.  Also fwiw, I own a small home remodeling business and sometimes you can go through periods of what seem like forever without closing any sales but as long as you keep putting a solid effort in, you'll run into a heater of sale after sale. The variance will even itself out provided you are still making good decisions and not stupid ones. 

RyPac13's picture
If good hands always held up

If good hands always held up and bad hands never won, there would be very little skill in poker, because only thinking, studying, competitive players would play.There's a lot of misconceptions and false sight from players in poker, both winning and losing.  Those that are more realistic about where they are and where they need to be, and what they need to focus on.... those are the people that can take full advantage of this game.Whenever I've played basketball, or any sport really, I've never seen pure noobs just jump into a competitive game.  The rare occassion somebody marginal gets into the game, they play very passively, don't get involved much and end up quitting or just watching most of the time.  If they tried to drive hard in a game of basketball or get involved they would get hammered pretty quickly.  Poker isn't quite like that, bad people are jaded into thinking they are good.  Sometimes they are good and are just running bad, but usually they don't see some of the errors they are making, combined with thinking their opponents plays are really bad when they aren't fully taking advantage nor adjusting to these plays.  The other likely explanations in these cases is the sample size is too low.In your case, it's 100 games and you have evidence that you're an incredible number of games below EV from your all ins.  This indicates that you've just gotten unlucky, so why are you so upset?  You have clear evidence that you're a winning player (3-5% ROI while running this poorly?), would you rather be up 20 buyins but have an EV graph that shows you should be breakeven?  You might be temporarily happy to have some added profit, but your skill will catch up with you sooner than later.Be glad you have an edge from the work you have put in, work towards building a bigger edge so that a 20 buyin under EV swing will not hurt you as much, it'll just make you a little less profit.  The greater your edge is, the more profit you'll be making even during a rough patch of luck.

RRReyeMMM's picture
Thank you Ryan and athanatos

Thank you Ryan and athanatos too.Ryan but that roi 3-5% is after 750 games on 10s not just after those 100 games.You explain me some things but my big problem is that I still dont know what is right and what is wrong...How can I feel good than?For me its like that I never now if I was right with decision or wrong...For exaple I was waiting for some huge mistake from aggro maniac while I was card  dead and yeah he made one when he called my two barrels and then on river he beat my two pairs with rivered straight...I should feel good?Maybe.. But maybe I was waiting for so long and I missed too many chips while he was stealing my chips with his 5-6bb raises...Or should I 3bet or showing him with A9 before that spot?Ok then next example can be that I showed that maniac with A9 after nine  5-6bb raises from him in a row and he had AJ at the same moment...Played I good that hand?Maybe that show was like a 50:50 in long term cause he call me there with some worse hands...But should I show if my chance is only 50% against terrible player?It was just an exaple you understand me what I am trying to tell you?I am trying,watching,reading but I am still at the same place...Or maybe I am better one day but because I cant see whether I am better or not than I start to try other strategies and so.Like in one circle...Sorry if you dont understand me but it was so hard for my "english"...lol

RyPac13's picture
I believe I understand. I

I believe I understand.I think a good way to figure out if what you're doing is correct or not would be to post some hands in our hand review forum.From there, based on the feedback as to how you are playing in these hands, you can look at some specific videos to improve some leaks or know you're playing pretty well overall.Either way, it should give you a better idea of how good your decisions have been.

metonezajima's picture
I also understand

I thing its Ok cause I am crushed the same way but for about 800 matches with currently -2% ROI. The only way is to put in the volume I think. I also have stopped rematching the players who tilt me and find some other opponent even after one loss. I am slowly going up but still I work not relly on my game cause I am sure I relly beat the game (EV wise :D) but on the mindset because I know that the same feeling as you have costs alot of BIs couse of tilt. 

jackoneill's picture
One big mistake I made in the

One big mistake I made in the past was thinking I had an automatic edge just because my opponent was a fish - this is not true.  Sure, there are some fish who're a license to print money, but for the vast majority of the fish population, just them being bad is not enough for you to automatically make money.Even against fish, you still need to focus and find a way to exploit them.Especially aggressive maniacal opponents are often very difficult to play against - you may not even have any edge against them at all if you don't fully focus on the game and find a way to exploit them.Looking back, I also realized that my results were always a lot better when I played on my computer at my desk and not on my laptop in bed or on my couch.  This may be related to the fact that I can't see the television while sitting at my desk - and I've often played while watching TV and drinking beer in the past.