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MrAwesome's picture
posting hands

Whats the place on this site to post hands? Just in the general questions forum? Or just on another site? Maybe a good idea to create a separate forum for posting hands, devided in different stakes?Ciao

MrAwesome's picture
already found it, sorry

already found it, sorry. is it true that you have only access to this forum if you paid for the membership?

Il Monk's picture
Yes you only have acces when

Yes you only have acces when you are a paid member

RyPac13's picture
I just saw this now. Due to

I just saw this now.Due to the limited time for participation from coaches, we have a dedicated member's only hand history forum.  We may add a non members hand history forum, but until then feel free to post hands here, many members and some coaches often have time to comment on them (as you can see if you look at hands posted in this forum historically).The member HH forum has about half the posts of the forum we're posting in right now.  There's also a few other member forums.  All together, it amounts to almost twice as many threads and posts as you find in this open forum.Another thing to mention is that we're very much realistic about the marketplace.  Twoplustwo, for instance, has a very large heads up sng forum that is open to the public.  Some players that contribute strategy or want to discuss strategy refrain from posting there, as they don't want to just "give information away" to people not posting in the community.  Our member forum solves that to an extent (at the very least if a member is reading the forums and not posting, they are still buying a membership which contributes to hiring new coaches and ultimately improving the tools available to everybody).But basically, our unique product is the high quality heads up sng videos.  Another unique aspect of the site is a fairly well traffic, valuable member forum(s).Even our non member forum here is probably one of the 5 most active heads up sng forums on the internet, and it only receives a small fraction of our site traffic.I don't really want to divide by stakes for a few reasons:- Even on twoplustwo, with a lot of traffic and public forums, dividing forums by stakes has not been an idea we've considered heavily, the forum functions well with everybody participating.- We'll lose a lot of mid and high stakes players that might otherwise comment on low stakes hands if they were in the same area.- Much like many of our videos, hands don't just apply to specific buyin levels.  If I play a nit in a $500 level game, he can be the same type of player you face in a $30 game (hell, often times these are the same EXACT players playing 10x their usual buyin, remember opponents are less disciplined than most players you find on this site or on twoplustwo, they tilt easier and play recklessly more often).A non members HH forum is an idea though that may happen soon.  It might help drive more traffic and participation from non members, which is always a good thing.  Ultimately if it adds members, it's good for the site, both members and ownership, as that increases the budget for new coaches, increases members for the community and strategy discussion and results in a higher value experience for everyone.