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SankJu's picture
Pot odds call against a nit?

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$14.69+$0.31
Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter



Effective Stacks: 21bb
Blinds 10/20
Pre-Flop (30, 2 players)

Hero is SB

Hero raises to 40, loso37 calls 20

Flop (80, 2 players)

loso37 checks, Hero bets 40, loso37 calls 40

Turn (160, 2 players)

loso37 checks, Hero bets 80, loso37 raises to 160, Hero folds

Final Pot: 320
loso37 wins 400 ( won +160 )
Hero lost -160

SankJu's picture
He had about 200 left behind,

He had about 200 left behind, so there were also some implied odds. I had 5:1, would you call?

Micici's picture
You have a double gutter

You have a double gutter right? So would not fold to the minraise. There are also some rare occasions that vilain is info raising 5x or 7x here too see if its still good so your 9 might still be an out aswell.