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TheCleaner01's picture
Pot odds training.


I am trying to get a bit faster at calculating pot odds, well... I'd like to ditch the pen and paper stage and use the brain calculator.

Ive been looking around for a mac based software or app that can test you on these calculations. I've found stuff to help you count your outs and stuff, but nothing dealing with pot odds ?

Any ideas or suggestions really welcome as Id like to get this problem cracked..

Any tips on how you approached this ?


Many thanks !

metonezajima's picture
well when comes to this you

well when comes to this you would have a lot better things to think about in the hand than calculating odds, so what you could do is to simply memorize the basic sizings and equities you  need to be good when calling or bluffing. than you know ok I am facing a pot sized bet so I need to be good 33% of time and you can think about ranges and gameflow because you dont waste your time caltulating something. Make yourself a sheet for this and use it when playing you will get this in your memory quite quickly and all you have to do is consider how many outs you have and come up with your estimated equity in the spot. I hope I am clear. 

TheCleaner01's picture
I got it !

Thanks M !

Go forth and CRUSH !

Barrin's picture
I kinda disagree with the

I kinda disagree with the response that there are better things to do then calculating pot odds. The correct use of pot odds is an absolute basic.
Of course there is nothing wrong with knowing that 4:1 pot odds are equal XY% equity. But this should be a gain from your training. You might wanna focus a bit more on the most common pot odds situation. There is not a lot to gain from doing the caculation of paying 20 chips into a pot of 78 chips when you will have much easier math with just takeing 80 chips as a pot.
If you wish to test yourself, just start HEM or PT, replay the hands don't look at the pot odds number, do the guessing yourself and look afterwards. If you are wrong by a lot...check where your mistake in thinking has been.
It shouldn't take you too long to realize if you can calculate the pot odds correctly or not. If you make mistakes (and i mean not that you did calculate 2.33 : 1 instead of 2.36 : 1), you probably have an error in your math and that is something you wanna do right. If you do 20 trials in a row correctly you should be doing it correctly. If you really are, the session aftermath (session analyze) should tell you and you can check again.
Now that is...if you wish to learn how to do the math correctly.


TheCleaner01's picture
Thanks for the tip Barrin.

It's been a royal pain in the Jacksy trying to get me brain around pot odds and how to quickly answer/estimate...
I finally collated all the information into a really simple chart for me use where I can compare common bet sizings to my outs, 1/2 pot etc..
I will defo chk the PT4 hand review tip.
Thanks !
p.s. Beaver kills Fisherman - http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/may/29/beaver-kills-man-belarus

Go forth and CRUSH !

Barrin's picture
You do realize that my

You do realize that my picture is not shoving a beaver but an otter, do you? ;)


metonezajima's picture
actually rodents have pretty

actually rodents have pretty high agression factor on all streets but otters seem not to be far behind :D