Mersenneary recommends in his ebook to use propokertools because it has the best ranges for HU.
Which layer selector should I use?
And what does for example 10-handed iterative mean?
Do the layer properties matter? (weight) It seems not to effect the results.
Big Fredy
I think he used the shove equity tool which made him able to determine how profitable a certain raise call was depending on the vilains shoving range.
Pokerstove can calculate how much equity you have vs a certain range but propokertools will tell you how much bb you will win or loose depending on the situation. It does not have ranges for HU. Its simply a more easy tool in my opinion to calculate the correct ranges for raise calling vs different vilains.
I actually wouldnt say it has the best ranges (preprogrammed) but ProPokertools is rather powerful. You can basically set your own handrankings if i´m not mistaken. And aside from that you can do a lot of other very helpful stuff to analyse certain situations.