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caralh0sauro's picture
PT vs HEM to SNG Heads-UP Hyper Turbo

I'm new to the forum, before buying any pack would like to get the best information possible to make a good purchase.

Since we already have the HM1 and HM2 still like to know what the best program that I can get PT or HEM?

HUD which I get to play at the highest level SNG Heads-Up Hyper Turbo?

Sry My englis :)

RyPac13's picture
Most players and even

Most players and even developers in the HUSNG world that I've talked to really seem to prefer PT4.
CoffeeHUD is the best HU HUD out there right now (it'll be available for HM soon too, but right now is just for PT4). If you're looking for a demo of CoffeeHUD or a free solutions, CoffeeHUD Lite is a good option (found in the PT4 warehouse, a link is up in our free > software section).