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MojaveDreams's picture
PT4 and CoffeeHUD Through HUSNG.com

I am considering purchasing both when i get my new PC (or mac i havnt decided). 

What do i get for purchasing PT4 from this site and is there any other bonuses to buying the HUD aswell?

I've seen that you get access to 400 videos, does this mean a premium account?

Just checking, thanks guys

RyPac13's picture
Hi there,You can either choose $10

Hi there,
You can either choose $10 off PT4 or the free 400 videos.
There is no discount for the HUD.
The 400 video pack is the standard pack ($50 value).
We don't allow any substitutions on packs (except if you want to pay $100 to get the premium pack, since that is the cost for standard pack buyers).
Let me know if you have any other questions.