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MM's picture
Purchasing PT via HUSNG.com

Hey guys,

Just a short question, since I'm planning to buy PT4 for my future pokerplayin' adventures :). Is it still right to purchase PT via the following site: http://www.husng.com/content/buy-pokertracker-and-receive-standard-video... ???

I just saw some comments below from people that apparently had problems downloading the software. So I just wanted to ask weather its right to purchase on the HUSNG subsite (I linked), download PT from the manufaturer's website (i.e. http://www.pokertracker.com/) and than activate it with the license code I will receive from the HUSNG site? Or am I getting mixed up here?

Sorry if this is a rather basic question, I'm just sorta confused how to do this the right way.


Thanks in advance,

keep up the good work guys,

regards MM :)

serge's picture
Yes, that is the correct sequence

Hi MM,

Yes, this is still the way to do it. When you buy PT4 through us, our website automatically sends your order details to PokerTracker, and then the PokerTracker folks send you an e-mail with your registration code.

When you first install PT4, a window opens up to ask you if you want to register for a 30-day trial or if you want to enter a registration code. In this window, you can enter the registration code from PokerTracker's e-mail, and your PT4 is activated for full use.

I hope this answers your question. Please let us know if you have any others. You can also contact us via e-mail at membership@husng.com or use the contact form.