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osome's picture
push or call if we hit top pair on middle-low board and facing bluff-raise?

So, this is kinda theoretical question. For example our hand is sort of Q9o on 259 with two suited cards. We are expecting oppenent to reraise us with overcards. After this, bank become quite ok. So, what we do - giving opponent chance to bluff another streets or shoving right now to avoid tough decisions?

RyPac13's picture
If they don't have 5x or 2x

If they don't have 5x or 2x in their range, and you're pretty sure they often continue to bluff, then call.If they have hands like A5, K5 in their range, 43 perhaps, A3, A4, overcards (especially if it's not a huge reraise for them to call) then reraise for value.Basically, you need a more specific situation to get an accurate answer, as it depends entirely on your opponent (and a good reason there are no "systems" that can turn you into a really good player in husngs).

RyPac13's picture
This is a very good question

This is a very good question for everybody to read, however.If you come to the conclusion that "oh it's obviously X"  (either a reraise or a call), then it is likely you have found a leak in your game and you're not adapting enough to your opponent in these situations.

osome's picture
i'm having a big trouble with

i'm having a big trouble with putting someone on range ingame, max that i can = remember all hands, that can somehow connect to board, but that give me nothing at all, i even dont operating with percentages of possible made hands in this range on flop. I started to just shoving hands like this, because of 1 hand, when opponent had Kx hand that  catched it king on turn. Also, i can be easily bluffed when some draws can turn into made hands on later streets, or a big pressure with just one overcard.

RyPac13's picture
Well if you are calling

Well if you are calling instead of reraising, it usually means you're either 1) very short stacked (and one scare card won't change the fact that you're too pot commited to fold usually) or 2) facing a player that will bluff quite often (again, one scare card or even two should not change your decision from call to fold vs a player that bluffs this often).So you can look at it generally and break it down and only call if you are shorter stacked (and still feel they will often bluff the turn) or if they are aggressive bluffy players.  If those don't apply, just reraise when in doubt, it's not likely to be wrong by much and usually will be the best decision.Let me know if that makes it more clear to you.

osome's picture
thx, i probably calldown when

thx, i probably calldown when shortstacked. At this point of my game skill, in any other situations with good bank i better instantly shove.