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chess_mat's picture

I want to ask you if does it makes sense start play push/fold lets say 9BB deep by nash until I get some reads and once I form opponent´s calling and pushing ranges I can build my own ranges to better exploit him, or I just should finish the heads up with nash as I start with him? The second case is rather improbable but sometimes maybe possible. I know opponent´s calling and pushing range so I have my own ranges against him, suddenly he starts play aggro loose and i dont know if it is only luck he get more strong hands in sequence or he adjusted and change the ranges, so i can pushing and calling by nash now ? Lets say until I found out about his ranges something, than can use my own ranges again ?

Barrin's picture
NASH is a balanced strategy.

NASH is a balanced strategy. If you have reads on your opponent and can get an edge over him, you do not wanna play balanced but abuse him day in, day out.
Once, he does counteradjust, you need to counteradjust to his adjustment.
If you do not know your opponents range but the population tendencies, you can create a default push/fold range.


chess_mat's picture
I understand, I only asked if

I understand, I only asked if it makes sense to start play nash until i get some reads(although some reads are there almost always) and lets say after 5 hands play my own push/fold ranges. But I think its not a problem, for good application of Nash ranges its only needed to play only push/fold by nash charts without any deviation and theres no restriction to play nash to the finish once I started play by him. The only thing that can happen when I deviate from nash and start pushing my own range based on reads is I will losing money cause of bad perceiving of opponents calling range, If I build correct exploitative ranges, I will win more than by nash. But by nash its too possible make money but its probably far less than by construct range based on opponent´s reads, but sometimes it´s maybe better play nash if we cant decode opponent´s calling range(although its unlikely), because we certainly will be at least EV0 under 8BBs deep (I read higher is nash EV-, cause of unaccurate calculations of nash ranges, not cause of flaw of theory).

Barrin's picture
If you have no reads

If you have no reads whatsoever on your opponent, playing nash might be better than not playing nash. Counter adjusting, just cause your opponent folded 5 hands in a row seems a little speculative.
The perfect p/f strategy does not exist, because you never know how exactly your opponent plays.
