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nomdeguerre's picture
Question about renewals and cancellations

Hi, I'm thinking of taking out a standard subscription and have a couple of questions if I may:1. What happens when a subscription expires?  Do you take the next payment automatically unless the subscriber cancels?  Or does the subscription just stop and we have to renew if we want to?2. How do we stop the subscription before the end of the month if we wish to do so?  Do we need to email you or is there a button somewhere on the site?Thanks

RyPac13's picture
Hi, 1. We do not

Hi,1. We do not automatically renew anybody's account.  We send an email reminder that you're account is about to expire with a link to the membership page if you choose to renew your membership.2. You won't need to stop the subscription since we don't automatically renew.Let me know if that answers your questions and if you have any more.

nomdeguerre's picture

Hi RyPac13,Thanks for your swift reply.  The site looks very cool, I'm going to sign up for three months. Two other questions I just thought of:1. How many videos are typically released each week to standard subscribers?2. Can I pay via site transfer please (Stars or FT)?  For various reasons it's easier for me to do this. Thanks again

nomdeguerre's picture
Ignore question 2

Actually, ignore my second question, I've just subscribed via PayPal.  I'm looking forward to being part of the HUSNG community.Cheers

RyPac13's picture
Thanks, glad to hear. 1 - I

Thanks, glad to hear.1 - I think we average 4-5 videos a week (3 on a slower week 6 on a busier week) and generally half to two thirds of the new videos are standard videos lately.ITRIED will have probably have mostly premium videos upcoming and mjw will have a mix.  We may have some rumnchess in the premium as well.  All of that should compliment the regular Hokie/Mersenneary premium videos quite well.Standard has had a very generous month or two though, we've put a lot of really excellent videos in there, especially the last two concept videos.