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gnarkill4's picture
Question about Super Turbo Husngs

Hello Guys/Gals, Forgive me if this question has been answered before.I have a roll of 500ish and really like the super turbos they are rather addicting. I was just wondering how many buyin would you guys recommend for the micro level like the 4$-8$ ST HUSNGs and also what would be a good sustainible roi? Considering the weak players at the micro's I would assume the roi would be 5-8% or even higher.  I would like to move up to the 8's with 75-100 buyins.  Thanks,Gnarkill

caribboy's picture

Played the 1-5$ on titan with a 50buyin. The field is smooth and i like the blindstructure. Roi (HM) after 1400 games 7.0. The only think i dont like by Titan is the software.There are to many paired and flushboards and to many A and K on the river. Bankrollmanagment is very important because of the swings. See you on the table!!