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ranher's picture
A question to Mersenneary

First, an apology for my EnglishI am studying a strategy to start playing the $ 5 SuperTurbo at FullTilt What do you recommend?What strategy is using you? SAGE, NASH At levels 10/20, 15/30 with an effective stack of 10-25bb. How is playing you? Preflop, postflopThanks for all the advice you can give me

mersenneary's picture
Hi ranher, Play at 1-25bb is

Hi ranher,Play at 1-25bb is intensely complicated, and I'll get into it more in future videos. For now, some introductory thoughts:1. I wouldn't actually play the $5 superturbos. They have 3% rake, which is a LOT in the superturbo format. They're beatable even at that rake, but I think your hourly, and more importantly, your development as a poker player, would be better served at reg speeds or turbos.2. If you do play them, focus on your opponent's tendencies and react accordingly. Don't approach it as "I'm going to play this unexploitable static strategy and print money". I'd recommend different approaches against different players. Against those who fold BB >50%, you should be raising any two cards. Against those 3-bet shoving wide and unlikely to adjust, you should adjust your raising range to have more hands that can raise/call, as per my first video.Good luck!