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JasonB90's picture
Question to mjw006

Where in Newy are ya from mate?im from there aswell just wonderin, im used to listening to american and canadian accents,but a newcastle accent just freaks me right out lol.i enjoy your videos immensely also. ty

mjw006's picture
hey man, im from Adamstown.

hey man, im from Adamstown. Great to hear there is a husng member in Newy! Where you from? What stakes you playing etc? Maybe catch up for a chat or something one day, I always like meeting other poker players because people being serious about their poker is few and far between around here (all my mates are epic donks!). Glad you enjoy the vids! Matt

JasonB90's picture
Adamstown nice, yeah im not a

Adamstown nice, yeah im not a city boy, im on the outskirts of the region near caves beach and swansea area. Im actually new to H/U but been playing for 3 years mostly 9-man Turbo SNG's. About the mates being donks, i hear ya brother haha i feel the exact same i cant talk to anyone intellectually about the game. Once my skillz get better, ill be sure to contact u :). cheers mate