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psymatic's picture
raise sizing vs opponent

hi,So if ur playing a game blinds still 10-20i like to 2,5x or 3x here but my opponent always 4x to 80same with next blinds 20-40 where a minraise is nice amounthe always keep on 3x to 120how to adjust here,... also start x3 ?and play his game,... or just keep ur standard raiseamount and dont mind about your opponent,..thx

crstn's picture
Don't adjust your button

Don't adjust your button range, but adjust your Big Blind ranges. Find out which range he opens and then it is easy to find out which hands you can fold, profitably call, 3-bet or jam over. It might feel disturbing having to fold some hands which we call a 2x o 2.5x pre, but look at how many chips he is giving us when he bloats the pot that big preflop with marginal holdings...but of course all depends on his frequencies, it is a big difference if he opens 4x 20%, limps 70% and folds 10%, or if he 4x 80% and folds the rest.