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LordJulian's picture

hi can you tell me how to put people on a range for there actions. things like 3bet per flop raise and the like? Do you go by what percentage they are doing the action and what hand they did it with? things like calling raises from the big blind. if some one is doing this 20% of  the time can i say that they are calling with top 20% of hands. and help on this would be gratefully reserved.

RyPac13's picture
You use a combination of the

You use a combination of the frequency of the action and the hands you have actually seen make the action.More experienced players can also rely on common traits among opponents.It's important to remember that variance can be at play.  If you've seen a guy 3bet shove 5x out of 15 and seen his hand every single time and they were all QQ, KK, AA, AK, JJ it is very unlikely that he is 3betting 33% of hands.So you don't just rely on a HUD for this information, you judge it on a variety of the factors above, particularly hands that you see.  More experienced opponents will then get into some "leveling" per se, trickery or mixed up play to exploit a common reaction to seeing a certain hand.For example, they might 3bet you more often if you've seen them 3bet with JJ and AA only so far.Much of the time even if you have folded to the first two 3bets from a player in the first 10 hands, it's not likely that they are 3betting the top 20% of hands.  Why?  Players tend to get fancier with AA and KK type hands, not to mention if you ask a random player the top 20% of hands they will likely vary (at least to some degree) from player to player.  So you don't see consistent ranges, at least not from player to player.On the other hand, experience really plays a key part.  While one opponent may 3bet 22, another may flat call it and another may even fold it in a situation, most players play hands such as AK similarly OOP (with a reraise, some shove, some small reraise, some large reraise, but most with a reraise).Hopefully that's enough to get you started.  Things can obviously get more complex in specific situations.