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joeblow's picture
Reg speed vs Turbos (not STs)

Can anyone with extensive game experience in both regular speed HUSNGS and turbos tell me how much better (in terms of ROI) you would need to be at reg speed in order for it to make sense to play those as opposed to turbos? On average you can probably play 50% more turbo games/hour so it seems to make since to play those for a higher hourly, even if the ROI might be lower to the blinds increasing faster. I haven't played even games yet of both to really determine which way is more profitable so I was wondering if anyone else could share their opinion on it?

chugenemes's picture
Should really clarify which

Should really clarify which site since full tilt reg's = stars turbo's.as for as ft is concerned, decent turbo ROI = 5-10% at mid/lowstakes while regular is 10-15%As far as hourly is concerned than they are very similar, though solo'ing 4man's hourly is best.Action at these is plentiful in both at low/mid stakes while at the higher stakes there is going to be much more action in the turbo's.Variance increases as your winrate gets closer to 50% so obv turbo's is higher so you need a bigger bankroll for these.Variance is even higher for 4man's.