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mrbeast87's picture
Regular Speed vs. Turbo Speed

Hi guys,

I started playing the 1.5$ HU SnGs a couple of months ago. I started by playing the turbo speed tournaments but then, after a while, I switched to the regular speed tournaments as I wanted to play more poker. I built up my bankroll and now I'm playing the 3.5$ regular speed tournaments.

Now I almost have 30 buy ins for the 7$ tournaments, so I will be playing them soon. However, I wanted to reassess my decision on which tournaments to play.

What do you think the main differences are between regular and turbo speeds? Do you think it is possible to keep your edge when switching from the regular to turbo?

What about the competition? Do you think that a particular format attracts more fishes than the other?

I also noticed that your video packs focus mostly on turbo and hyper speeds. Why is that? Do you think that overall these formats are more profitable?

Thanks for your help ;)

I-hate-soup's picture
Hey Mr Beast The main

Hey Mr Beast
The main difference between the different speeds is, you will get more hands with each opponent  at the slower the format. So therefore when you are better then you are opponent you will have a bigger edge (win more often)
At your buy in level I think you will find the skill level of your opponents will be the same no matter what format you chose.
So your decision should come down to which format you prefer.
The reason that most of the content on this site is for Turbos and Hypers, Is because these formats are the games with the most traffic.
How many games have you played so far?

RyPac13's picture
Great post Soup. As Soup

Great post Soup.
As Soup alludes to in his post, the two formats have identical strategy, it's just that you will spend more time in each level (and in each match on average) against your opponent, so you'll have more information to work with (which lets you build a potentially larger edge).
Don't confuse greater edge with greater profit though. If you increase your per edge game from 5% in turbos to 7% in regular speeds, but games take twice as long, you're better off player turbos (two 5% edge games > one 7% edge game). I'm not saying that will be the case for you specifically, it's just worth keeping in mind because bigger edges are generally more comfortable for most players to play with, so they sometimes will sacrifice a lot of money to be more comfortable and it can be a bad decision.
Any of our turbo videos will 100% apply to regular speed games. Our hyper videos will apply to turbo and regular speed games too, but only in the context of shorter stack situations (say 0-30bb stacks). However, playing at 0-30bb in turbos is very important, it makes up a good deal of the edge in those games, and it's worth a good amount in regular speeds too.
My advice would be for any regular speed player to go through the good turbo content, but to also take a look at some of the hyper content that appeals to you, having a strong end game is important. Especially in turbos and regular speeds where the average opponent is even worse at short stacks (than in hypers).

mrbeast87's picture
Thanks for your

Thanks for your replies.
Soup, regarding my preference I prefer the regular speed tournaments. However, I was looking to improve my winnings per hour and as RyPac13 said, Turbos may be a good alternative. So I'm seriously considering changing to Turbo Tournaments.
Currently I've played 380x1.5$ tournaments (74 turbo + 306 regular) and 362x3.5$ tournaments, both with a winrate of 57.5%.
Thanks for the explanation about the videos RyPac, I'm considering buying one when I move up limits ;)

He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man. -- Samuel Johnson