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Slatey's picture
RR C Bets

One thing i almost never see in all the videos is reraising C bets.
With opponents hitting the flop 30% of the time approx.  why
arent people doing this? I know typically you will wait to see
how someone plays....but rarely do i  see this.

RyPac13's picture
The reason you don't see

The reason you don't see this as often, particularly at the low to mid stakes, is because the average player is way too loose and is becoming much too aggressive (in a bad way at least, good aggression is of course fine).

K74 flop, you'd like to think only a 7 or K would flat a CR, but I see ridiculous shit all the time, including A hi or ATC that call to bluff later in the hand.

This isn't even considering the times they rebluff you.

Anyways, it's often best to wait until you have some semblence of a read because many players are super exploitable against a CR and then a double barrel on a turn.

For example, I know of many players including regulars that would only call a CR on a K74 board with Q7+.  If they would reraise their stronger hands (like if there's a FD out there) then them flatting and you seeing a bricked turn card would require another barrel and you could profitably get a lot of those guys to fold their non kings (flush and straight draws, Q7 or A7, maybe even a weak king) and anything else they decided to call with.

That's just an on the fly example, but basically  most players are very exploitable, so the more you know about them the bigger the potential edge is from their leaks, making early high variance "this is profitable vs 55% of guys, not profitable vs 45% of guys" plays something to avoid.

Slatey's picture

Understandable Ryan....but the average player at 57 turbo's i havent found to be that spewy unless they are really bad.
On your K74 flop(rainbow) ..thats a pretty dry board and if a high% of players are c betting the flop on these boards it seems mathematically
proper to be rr here at least 2 1/2 times . I know its kinda tough with the turbo's as we have such a very small time to make player
reads....but i the first 2-3 min. or so someone is c betting alot dont you want to take advantage of it?

Please explain furthur " this is profitable vs 55% of guys, not profitable vs 45% of guys" plays something to avoid."
If its 55% and i have my edge...why would i want to avoid it?
