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Set play - please help me with the right thought process


anyone got an idea which HH converter  I could use? The one from HUSNG isn't working for me.

Anyway, let's review this handy please, this was one of my first tournament and villain only bets once he was connected with the flop (even with bottom pair)

I just called his raise pre flop as he played very tight.

That's the first time he showed such a aggression on the turn and I didn't really know how to handle this situation right. I think my thoughts were at this moment like:


Of course, that's obvisouly the worst thing you could have in mind. How do I handle such situations in the right way? I'd need some advice for the right thought process

PokerStars Hand #101128123332: Tournament #757888964, €1.40+€0.10 EUR Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level III (20/40) - 2013/07/08 10:48:26 ET

Table '757888964 1' 2-max Seat #1 is the button

Seat 1: Villain (1140 in chips)

Seat 2: Hero (1860 in chips)

Villain: posts small blind 20

Hero: posts big blind 40

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Hero [Ah As]

Villain: raises 40 to 80

Hero: calls 40

*** FLOP *** [Jd 8s 2c]

Hero:: bets 80

Asskimo: calls 80

*** TURN *** [Jd 8s 2c] [Ad]

Hero: bets 160

Villain: raises 220 to 380

Hero: calls 220

*** RIVER *** [Jd 8s 2c Ad] [Td]

Hero: bets 500

Villain: folds

Uncalled bet (500) returned to Hero

Hero collected 1080 from pot

Hero: doesn't show hand

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 1080 | Rake 0

Board [Jd 8s 2c Ad Td]

Seat 1: Villain (button) (small blind) folded on the River

Seat 2: Hero (big blind) collected (1080)


Dipl.Komp.'s picture
as played, i would jam the

as played, i would jam the turn. i see him holding the following range:
a) random float with him trying to rep the Ace and get you off the hand. i doubt a tight player at that level might think like that though.
b) a turned flushdraw. also unlikely without him having sth to go along like an open ender, a gutshot or a pair.
c) turned top pair (don´t know if he would call the flop with an A) or turned two pair or a slowplayed set.
with handcategory C he will go all the way most likely.  category B will also call a lot and catA i think is pretty unlikely. i would weigh his range towards C and B, with category C always calling a jam and category B often calling a jam.
now why jam the turn? well, there are a lot of scarecards on the river that will make a tight opponent fold. any 3flush, any str8 will probably scare him (if he has C). by calling the turn and jamming the river, you give him the opportunity to play correctly against your hand. the river completed practically all draws so he will fold all top pairs, many two pairs and possibly even a set, if he is a very scared fella. if he has category B, he will call your river jam only when he made his hand, so it´s a lose-lose-situation for you. you have to get the money in while you are ahead.
give him a chance to make a mistake. if you jam, he will probably think, he´s getting the money in good, if he has the aforementioned range. if he is bluffing, he probably will shut down on the river anyway, so push all in.