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Roamus's picture
Sharkscope people when first sitting?

Hi, Im a 55$ player and I sit first everytime, everyguy who join me, I sharkscope to see if he is a regular, losing player or fish, some people lock their stats and just play the player, what do you guys think is the best?

RyPac13's picture
I think it is fine, it can

I think it is fine, it can often allow you to get a preview (make a general assumption) of the quality of opponent/amount of leaks you'll be up against.But it will never tell you the entire story, as the guy down a ton of money could just tilt when he runs into variance, and otherwise plays fairly solid and adaptive.  The guy that is breakeven could have run very well to get there and may be a lot worse than his stats indicate (say chasing losses at high stakes and running good in doing it, but really being a losing player a few levels below).So, basically you can get an idea of the level of competition you'll be up against, and the extent of a player's leaks, but don't overanalyze this information and absolutely make sure you're always aware of what is going on in the game and you're adapting to that, not the stats.