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longjohn's picture
Ship it?

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BTNHero1140  BBtozbilb1860  Effective Stacks: 29bb Blinds 20/40 Pre-Flop (60, 2 players) Hero is BTN Hero raises to 80, tozbilb calls 40 Flop (160, 2 players) tozbilb checks, Hero bets 120, tozbilb raises to 320, Hero goes all-in 1060, tozbilb calls 740Only read I have on the guy that might be relevant is he has raised my cbet before on a T7T flop w/Q7.Is this the best play for this hand to try and get calls from worse draws say QT,Q9,J8 or would it be more +EV to just call here?it might be worth noting that he not really won a hand so far? 

nekrogovner's picture
Shipping is fine I suppose at

Shipping is fine I suppose at this depth. And you have small bunch of outs to improve if you are beaten already.

RyPac13's picture
Especially given that you

Especially given that you mention this guy has raised semi light before, makes stuff like Qx, even 8x, weak Jx type stuff a very real possibility to be in his range of hands, and that does nothing but make a jam better for you.Deeper/facing a different opponent, you would probably consider flat calling more often.

aggresionware's picture
I think jamming is fine. Out

I think jamming is fine. Out of curiousity why do you have the shorter stack if he's not really won a hand yet?  But if you're implying from that that he may be getting frustrated then I think that mkes a jam easily the best option. 

nekrogovner's picture
I think hero is implying that

I think hero is implying that villain has not won hand on showdown, but rather with pure aggression and fold equity. :)

RyPac13's picture
You can also cbet larger on

You can also cbet larger on this board against very loose opponents to better maximize value against their leak of over calling on these types of boards.

longjohn's picture
I thought this was a large cbet

Thanks for the repliesRypac13I thought this was a large cbet haha what do you think is better pot?

Barewire's picture
I like your cbet size (it's

I like your cbet size (it's larger than normal for sure) and I'd play it the same. Especially knowing he could have worse value hands that would check/fold a bad turn, we should be jamming with a hand this strong.

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