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UndisputedChamp's picture
Should I change the way I play against weak players?

I play mostly $10 reg speeds on Full Tilt, so the competition isn't very tough. Whenever I play against a losing player I usually wait for them to make a mistake because my thought behind this is that why try to risk a lot of chips against someone that will eventually pay me off later on. Another thing is that a lot of players at this level tend to call with any 2 cards, so thats another reason why I play so tight against the losing players. Against winning players I play more loose aggressive because I know that they won't make many mistakes, so I need to mix up my game against them. I just want to know how do you guys play against weak players? And should I loosen up when I play against weaker opponents? Any tips would be appreciated.

jackoneill's picture
Well, if they're loose

Well, if they're loose passive, then playing too tight in position is just throwing away a lot of money.  These players won't put you into any tough spots with aggression, but often let you see 5 cards cheaply.  And you don't need a very strong hand to valuebet.You could even go as far as opening any two cards on the button if they never play back at you and let you check down when you miss.  Just don't ever try to bluff them, but only bet when you have something.  Often, these players are also very predictable with their strong hands, letting you get away cheaply.Playing smallball against these loose passives will also decrease your variance a lot.If you play too tight, then the match winner is basically decided in a few large pots - and it hurts if they suck out on you in one of these hands.  But if you play smallball against them, you win a few chips in dozens of small pots.

UndisputedChamp's picture
I looked back and noticed

I looked back and noticed that a lot of my games that I lost were because I waited to catch them with one hand and ended up losing a large pot, so I'm going to take your advice on playing more small ball. I hope it works and thanks for the advice Jack.