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masp797's picture
should I take up regular speed/deep-stacked SNGs

the regs at normal/deep stacked sngs seem to have out-of-this-world ROIs. As one of the main selling points of turbos is getting in a lot of volume and that is sparse nowadays, should I consider adding deep-stacked games to my selection? Do games fill up just as fast as turbos, is it hard to get a game, etc?Any general chat or opinions on deep-stacked games is welcome too

RyPac13's picture
A lot of the regular speed

A lot of the regular speed players seem to be having some overall good success in these recently.They play deeper and even slower than that structure, so you can really destroy fish and hit very high winrates in these.Most structures seem to be pretty close in value for the best winners, so I'd suggest giving them a go, the added padding of not having as many losing weeks or months in a game with such a huge edge possible may be a fair tradeoff for any slightly worse potential hourly.  The mental strains in the games, especially for learning players, can sometimes really hurt results or stagnate them, so these could be just the thing for players that aren't loving the turbos and are looking to add another structure to their routine.

dzikijohnny's picture
Regulars on Full Tilt and

Regulars on Full Tilt and Pokerstars' Turbos seem to have similar structure but, I found they are a lot different.  Pokerstars is a lot faster and you will be in Nash push./fold when you would still be 20+ bb deep at Full Tilt. 

RyPac13's picture
Just an FYI for

Just an FYI for everybody.Today I'm posting video 1 of a new series by Cog Dissonance: The Deep Stack Series.He's going to be making 4-5 videos of deepstack play from the $5-50 levels or so.  There are already a few deep stack videos on the site, but with the interest in these growing I think it's a good idea to show newer and low/mid stakes players the possibility of low variance, big edge poker.Obviously the tradeoff is going to be longer matches, and possibly lower hourly rates than are achievable in turbos, but that is a tradeoff that many players will gladly make.Whether deepstacks are something you are interested in trying, playing in addition to your normal game or completely transitioning into full time, I think this series should help a lot.