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longjohn's picture
shove over my cbet

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BBHero1520  BTNDntCaltACmBk1480  Effective Stacks: 49bb Blinds 15/30 Pre-Flop (45, 2 players) Hero is BB DntCaltACmBk raises to 75, Hero raises to 210, DntCaltACmBk calls 135 Flop (420, 2 players) Hero bets 270, DntCaltACmBk goes all-in 1270, Hero calls 100The villain is a winning thinking player (a better player then me if sharkscope abilities are anything to go by) not sure how wide hes calling 3bets but hes calling wide oop and this is the third time I have 3bet him in the first 14 hands of the game. The only post flop read I have on him is that he made a large c/r w/ QJ on Q82tt flop. Does this all up to to a fold here? is this an easy fold here without these reads or against a good aggressive player is this a call?

Barewire's picture
Your cbet is far too big on

Your cbet is far too big on this flop, you could definitely fold him off his equity cheaper and you'll get some value from worse Ax or KQ type hands when you bet 180 here. As played I'd call also, he can have some straight draws and you should often have 6 outs when behind, that should amount to well over the required 33%

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nekrogovner's picture
Hmm, wouldn't you expect from

Hmm, wouldn't you expect from a good player mostly to jam here with overpairs or some piece of board like 7 to protect his hand?