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RRReyeMMM's picture
Show flop with an open straight

Hi villain was a loosing player.Through the hole match I did not find some big leaks on his side...Only one that he was little calling station but I did not hit an one good hand.Befor this situation what I posted, I showed 3 hands in a row so I thought that show again pf is not good...On flop I thought that he cant have a much or that he can call me with a 5 or 6 which is good enough for me...How should I played this hand?  No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players$20+$1 Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter SBARAMAS441835  BBHero1165  Effective Stacks: 12bb Blinds 50/100 Pre-Flop (150, 2 players) Hero is BB ARAMAS44 calls 50, Hero checks Flop (200, 2 players) Hero checks, ARAMAS44 bets 100, Hero goes all-in 1065, ARAMAS44 calls 965 Turn (2330, 2 players, 1 all-in) River (2330, 2 players, 1 all-in) Final Pot: 2330 ARAMAS44 shows a pair of Kings Hero shows high card King ARAMAS44 wins 2330 ( won +1165 ) Hero lost -1165

RyPac13's picture
Looks fine, especially if he

Looks fine, especially if he folds 5-6x here as you suggest.  Plenty of fold equity in that case, plus you're folding hands that are close to even equity with you (6x and 5x hands) that is probably favorable to fold out.I would also likely flat call as you suggest, but it seems like it may be standard for you to shove this hand preflop given that your reasoning for not doing so was because you had just shoved a lot.  I would think more about calling than insta shoving by default in this situation.  It can certainly be profitable to shove, but there's a lot of instances where calling is a lot better.

RRReyeMMM's picture
Thank you Ryan!And yeah now I

Thank you Ryan!And yeah now I can imagine that calling is good  there...But sometimes  I forgot that there is a button call which is bad:( Cause there is still something in my mind that call is a bad thing.