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qattack's picture
This Site is Frickin' SWEET!

I've been playing and studying poker seriously for 14 years now, and it has been over half my income for most of that time and my full income for the last five years.I've played a large variety of games, and have always realized that I am a weak-tight player. But I have been mass-tabling lower stakes sngs and cash for some years now with great success with that style.I have never ventured into HU play other than a pasttime until I joined husng.com a couple of weeks ago. I think my biggest reasons for this were that I have always been afraid of overly aggro opponents and I thought it would be "too hard" for me to learn to read opponents well enough to do well at this form of poker. I have always been mathematically inclined and viewed HU play as requiring too much creativity. Not that I can't be creative; I just envisioned a bunch of pros playing the game, ready to outwit me every hand.I know it's not that way at the small stakes, where I've usually played HU. But I'm starting to see that there is hope for me to progress to somewhat larger stakes and still have an edge.In addition, learning HU aggression will no doubt help me incredibly in other forms of poker. Also, my hand reading abilities have improved more in the last two weeks than they have in the previous five years! That will help in any game.I hope this doesn't encourage others to join husng.com, as I don't want any competition.

RyPac13's picture
More users joining has the

More users joining has the result of more videos/higher quality videos being available to you.So as long as you use the videos in a more productive way than the average user, it may actually be in your best interest to have more people sign up (of course it is in our best interests).Glad to hear things are going well and I enjoy your contributions on this forum (I'm sure others do as well).

qattack's picture
My last sentence was a

My last sentence was a joke...sort of haha.