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Maestroonline's picture
Skype studdy group 30$/50$ and above

hi all,   I would like to find people who playing 30/50$ husng (reg speed/turbos) and above, to make study group on skype.

chinagambler's picture
I play the $30 hypers on Star

I play the $30 hypers on Star and would like to join. I have an average ROI of 8% over ~500 games but I only sit bad players and I definitely need to improve my game against regs. My Skype username is onlinepokes.

Maestroonline's picture
i would really prefer to have

i would really prefer to have people who playing reg/turbo speed. But i will add you today to chat :) when i will come back from work. in chat is one member who playing 100/200 ST on ps :) i hope you will find this helpful.

sir_lanka's picture
Hi, I created a skype account

Hi, I created a skype account to talk poker.I have a ROI of 5% at stars turbos, playing 30´s.I had 9% ROI on PKR over a larger sample, mostly playing 50-100´s. Quit playing there when they raised the rake.Skype: oliver.nordin 

stalagmita's picture
skype group

pm'd you my skype id. $50 & up turbos on ongame.

wtf hu ?

stalagmita's picture
skype group

doesn't work to pm u.

wtf hu ?

TJobin's picture
i'm in, xpaulo.rodrigox. i

i'm in, xpaulo.rodrigox is my skype. i play on PS.

Menck's picture
I play 15s and 30s... pretty

I play 15s and 30s... pretty good roi in 15s, and a slight negative roi in 30s,  interested in joining the group.. my skype is lucasmenck

Menck's picture
I play 15s and 30s... pretty

I play 15s and 30s... pretty good roi in 15s, and a slight negative roi in 30s,  interested in joining the group.. my skype is lucasmenck

happyham's picture
Maestro, what is your skype

Maestro, what is your skype name? I play 30/50/78 reg speeds and turbos on the Merge network.  I'm interested.

http://happyham1986.blogspot.com/ - Please support/follow my journey through the levels in HUSNG.