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poisonlolz's picture
Small Blind Play 10-15BB Depp Leaks

Hi, I play hyper-turbos at the $7 level and after analysing stats I realised that I had a huge leak playing in position from 10BB-15BB, with a -2BB/100 Hands despite having a positive ROI overall. I don't believe my preflop play is that bad (adapting to opponents using Mersennary's ROFL system) but feel lost when a minraise is called.
Here are some of my questions about these stack depths:
- With 1/2 pot bets there are only 2 streets of betting as the turn barrel will usually be pot commiting. The inability to fire a third barrel makes the second barrel less scary, and DB bluffs get called down lighter. Should you Barrel less shortstacked? Having only two streets of betting seems to change the whole dynamic of the game and the value of hands, but i'm unsure how to adjust to the change.
small cbet is necessary to get all in my the river. This makes small cbets great on dry boards, but should the default sizing be 1/2 pot or smaller on wet or semi-wet boards?
-Since players are willing to checkraise shove with any draw and any pair, and folds less to barreling, should you cbet less with air compared to deeper stacked play?
-Does slowplaying in position work better you can still get all in by checking flop, betting turn, betting river?
How else does super shortstacked play differ with 15-25BB deep play, and what are the most common leaks in this area?

RyPac13's picture
Hi and welcome. - How many

Hi and welcome.
- How many games have you played and how many hands is this sample size for 10-15bb stacks?
- You really want to pay attention to calling ranges preflop and postflop characteristics. That will help you better plan your postflop strategy. Knowing that a guy will play pairs and draws aggressively is not enough (plenty of guys do that at 20bb too), you need to know what hands he calls with preflop, what hands he's calling with instead of playing aggressively postflop, so you can know which boards you can push him off hands a good % of the time to make a bluff worthwhile, and what sorts of adjustments you can make when he calls or raises you.
- I think half pot in general is fine, you may go smaller or larger depending on opponent and depth.
- Slowplaying is usually better against players that love to bluff when you play passively (inducing bluffs on the turn and river a lot) and when they are likely to have missed the flop. Keep in mind, plenty of bluffers will check raise bluff you almost as often, so really know your opponent (slowplaying is very often overused in heads up poker, but that doesn't mean it's not appropriate in plenty of spots, just that players on average use it too often).
- The most common leaks are playing too few hands in and out of position and not understanding how to adapt to your opponent's hand ranges (particularly their small blind strategies). Playing around with tools like ICMIZER (check the link on the right hand side of the page here) can really give you a better idea of preflop ranges in these areas against various opponent strategies.