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usedstars's picture
some good hyper turbo reading material?

hey guys,ive been playing turbo speed husngs for a while now and am finally looking at mixing in hyper turbos, eventually making it my primary game. ive got several standard content vids from husng.com to watch, i was wondering if there was anything good to read as well? I'm assuming mers ebook would be the primary candidate here, what about good threads from 2+2? articles? blogs? any reading material that would help me improve my hyper turbo game would be greatly appreciated thanks :)

RyPac13's picture
Check the FAQ on the 2p2

Check the FAQ on the 2p2 heads up sng forum. Also do a search on there for hyper turbo type keywords (end game) and scroll the more recent hyper turbo hands both on there and on here in the HH review forum.Mers ebook, as you mention, is a great resource for hyper turbos as well.