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qattack's picture
Some Video Requests...

The variety of videos on husng.com is good.I believe you could benefit from a structured, classroom-type series, hitting on all aspects of HU play. I think it would be a good framework so that people can more easily identify areas they need to work on.For some examples, I would like to see:* 3-betting theory* Responding to opponent's 3-betting* More in-depth board texture* Hand planning and bet sizing as a method to manipulate and/or control pot sizeI could go on and on. My point is that, while the commentary in live play videos is great, there is not enough time to go in depth on many important subjects. The instructor's thought process is also sometimes interrupted by the current hand.These types of videos would require about 5x as much work, but I think they would catapult your site to the next level.

RyPac13's picture
Thanks for the feedback, also

Thanks for the feedback, also about your lag commentary in the other thread, much appreciated.We'll continue to bring out some series type videos and classroom videos.  There are already some in the library, though many are older (primo's archive videos over 1.5 years old now though still relevant) or ones available for premium users only (mers classroom recently as an example).On the top of our list for the next week and throughout October will be some videos against more aggressive opponents (and will label lag since we appear to have missed that tag quite a bit in the past) as well as a few series (or series extensions, cog super turbo for instance) and finally at least another two classroom videos as you suggest.  I'm not sure of the format or topics yet, but it'll be in my mind as I discuss video topics with instructors all week.