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Laroutchezxz's picture
Is someone have problem with is popopop replayeur since 5 or 6 days ??

I use popopop replayer with poker stars  from now 3 months without problems.   But from 15 dec09    i cannot convert my PS hands history.  I tried to flush it and reinstall from the web many time and check my JAVA  but the problem resist.

Hope you can help me   Thanks a lot

Laroutchezxz's picture
The problem was PS hand history from 15 to 20 dec

I cannot convert the HH from 15 to 20 dec on Poker Stars. I contacted PS support and they answer the problem rapidely(the files was unreadable).

Sorry for the disagrement.

RyPac13's picture
What was the solution to the

What was the solution to the problem?

Laroutchezxz's picture
Oh my god I'm so beginner on differents softwares

My brother came at my home today and he is laughing about thinking PS really helped me. They said that i have to check where i choose to save HH or  reinstall PS and ,when reinstalled it, all seem to be OK  but my brother telling me that he is certain that the real problem was a couple of inch ahead of my screen. He  think i simply had problem with JAVA or PReplayer   and restart my computer simply solve the problem........I'm really a beginner.........

Sorry for the disagrement , next time i will think twice before asking ridiculus questions on this serious forum(as my brother's advice)

PS can you delete this forum topic???

RyPac13's picture
No worries. We'll just leave

No worries.

We'll just leave the topic, I'd rather have you ask a potentially silly question than not ask a good question at all.

Our forums aren't overcrowded, so it's not a worry if you ask a question that turns out to be simple or unecessary.