I have never tryed so crazy variance before. Is that normal in hypers?
The first graph, you can see that i almost have no variance at all over 20.000 hu-hypers. In the last 4000 games, i'm getting destroyed by the variance.
The second graph, you can see that i'm running 160 buyins under EV over the last 4000 games. Is variance really that crazy?
Lesson of the day:
Running over EV for 15'000 games is not variance
Running over 100 buyins under EV after 24.000 games is not variance?
I would hope that it is variance. Otherwise it would most likely be the curse of a witch. To answer your original question. You might wanna use the variance calculator from HUSNG.com.
dont want to say totally standard but nothing strange :)
Thank for the answers. Didnt think variance was so crazy.
The graph is for $15 and a little $30, playing with about 4.5% roi. Is it about time to move up?
Is there a big diffent between $15 and $30 hu-hypers?
I have not played enough $30 to know.