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julianbesso1's picture
Stars lobby´s annoying message

Hi guys! Short question for you

Does anyone know how to disable info messages on Stars? I mean, everytime I register in a HT a message appears talking about disconnections and "being" blinded off

It´s annoying and it consumes time..


RyPac13's picture
I don't think there is a way

I don't think there is a way to do it.
I've heard people complaining to Stars about it recently too. The best thing to do would be to email support@pokerstars.com and ask them if they can forward your feedback to the ideas department (it's either ideas@ or feedback@, I don't recall, so just email support they will give it to the right department).

Barrin's picture
I have never seen such a

I have never seen such a message. When does it come?


cdon3822's picture
It's after you register.  =>

It's after you register. 
=> Would be so good to be able to turn this off !

Barrin's picture
Mhmh, I never got this

Mhmh, I never got this message. Either it is handled by TN II or it is removed by "allow registation without showing buy-in dialog"


metonezajima's picture
I think registering with

I think registering with sharky, ninja or somesthing like that should help. These softs are able to autoclose all these mesages. I dont see anything like that when playing. 

julianbesso1's picture
Support email

Just got an email from Stars
"Unfortunately, the registration messages cannot be disabled as we feel they provide vital information about the game itself. We understand that players who register big amounts of games can find them annoying"
So there´s the answer :/
Thanks, anyway.
Best regards