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seanmint's picture
Starting out: Turbos vs Hypers

After quitting poker for the last 2 year sdue to personal reasons, i want to give it another serious try. Before i quit i played mainly the $50 turbos and was about to move to the $100s. I recogniced that most of the action switched to the hypers nowaday and am wondering if it would be more wise to start building my br in turbos and later switch to hypers (regarding variance), or just play the hypers right away? 

My starting bankroll would be 1k$, and i would start out with the 7$ hypers or 15$ turbos (always used a more konservative brm). My goal is to play the 100$ turbos or equivalent hyper stakes by the end of the year. 

RyPac13's picture
Hey Sean, Welcome back. I'd

Hey Sean,

Welcome back. I'd suggest playing turbos to start, since you are more familiar with them. Once you feel like the rust is gone, start mxing in some hypers. But player at a lower buyin level when you start hypers (and at least watch some of the videos in our free poker videos forum).