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j@cknapie's picture
strange c/r at flop

Normal Speed HUSNG at microstakes against a preflop passive opponent with a postflop straightforward strategy... here's the action... how to play ?  

nekrogovner's picture
If i think he is getting

If i think he is getting frustrated I'd shove over. If I know that he raises draws, or that he calls wide oop I'd also call. If he is more on a nitty side and wants to get it in good, then I fold.

j@cknapie's picture
based on experience, this

based on experience, this kind of move on (apparently) harmless board is often an evidence of TP or better (double or set): in best case he got 8x :(moreover there are still too many scary cards in the deck...i think that the conservative way is always the best in similar spots...

happyham's picture
I also have a lot of

I also have a lot of experience in stacking off here only to see a better 8x, or sets, overpairs a large % of the time.  Obviously you will sometimes see various draws *some* of the time.  It won't be enough though (especially when general population tendency at micro stakes is to play loose passively IMO).  His range as a whole has you in a bad spot, and I would fold.  Also curious as to why you betted 150 into 225?  I think thats a little on the large side, although I understand if the opponent was passive.  Also maybe you were trying to set up stacks for shoving the turn? Although this bet doesn't quite accomplish that either.  

http://happyham1986.blogspot.com/ - Please support/follow my journey through the levels in HUSNG.

nekrogovner's picture
Actually he bets 150 into

Actually he bets 150 into 200. Pot size is clearly wrong there. And yes, I'd rather bet 100-120 here. I think even villains who flat flops too often will have hard time to call 150 with their usual junky range.

j@cknapie's picture
i made a large size to

i made a large size to protect my hand and to try to take the pot right at flopthe point is that i got a weak hand so villain must "pay" to see the turnsomething wrong in this way of thinking ?

nekrogovner's picture
That is just fine if you

That is just fine if you think he will flat most overcards. But if only charging flushes, 35 and some 4x I would make it a bit smaller.