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Mascarade1's picture
strategy against limpers

i play a lot of player that constantlly limp the sb.I make it 4x and i miss the flop and they barrel what can i do?any suggestions on what strategy i shold use vs this kind of players or any vids i should watch.thank you.

Barrin's picture
Hypers? Turbos? Do they

Hypers? Turbos?Do they limpcall or do they tend to limpfold?


Mascarade1's picture
limp call

reg speed.they tend to limp call a ton and i get a lot of nasty board that limping range destroys so i check and they usually lead ...

Mascarade1's picture
limp call

reg speed.they tend to limp call a ton and i get a lot of nasty board that limping range destroys so i check and they usually lead ...

Byzantine's picture
I think the limping part can

I think the limping part can be solved easily. If they're limp/calling every button that's great for you. With your weaker hands you can just check and get to see a free flop OOP, with your stronger hands you can put chip in PF. I would first try to find out how much they're willing to call PF, can you make it 100 over a 20 chip limp and get a call? How about 150?. So I think you can easily develop a strategy to own the opponents your having trouble with, preflop anyways.Now the postflop stuff is a bit harder and I would assume a lot more opponent dependent. Are they attacking every flop that you raise their limp and then check? If so mixing in some strong hand to your checking range is going to be a pretty good adjustment. Also you really don't have to win every pot. Sometimes the ideal strategy once you see a flop is going to be check/folding. I think it's really about trying to figure out what your opponent is doing in certain spots and why, and then using that information to your advantage.I would suggest checking out some videos from the master planning list about dealing with aggressive opponents, as I have a lot of trouble in these areas as well.

sir_lanka's picture
As always in poker: It

As always in poker: It depends.If they are tight passive the best strategy IMO is to check most hands pre and minbet stab flopp unless its very wet (like 579xx). Raise your value hands, the hands you wxpect to dominate his limp calling range. Limp most hands from the small blind (yeah, limping feels strange in the beginning, but try it), and stab unless flopp is wet. Raise value hands ald also some weaker hands (37s, 58o etc) and cbet. Hookigreg (I think it was him) made a very good video about this, but I dont remember the name of it. If they are loose passive, raise only your value hands from the bb, always cbet unless the flopp is really wet. Is he stabbing post flop? If not you should donk more when you hit. Tight up a little bit from the sb, 3xing is probably best.