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Suggestion: Video About Using HEM To Pinpoint Leaks

I just finished watching Bigsage's Guest Video 1 and this video has me excited about the prospect of using HEM to find leaks in my play.While this video was good and packed with unique content, I believe the format of the video really needs to be transformed to be useful to the average player such as myself.The major problems with this video were:1. It is VERY hard to focus. I couldn't concentrate on the ideas for longer than two or three minutes at a time because there was so much going on and so much for me to figure out on my own. If BigSage was doing a session devoted to my personal leaks, I could follow along more easily.2. It's difficult to figure out exactly how to apply this to my own stats. I did try to follow along by pausing the video and implementing various filters as BigSage used them. But I didn't feel that I learned so much from my stats, and actually the ones used by BigSage really looked good in my HEM stats.So here is my suggestion, and as usual, this suggestion of mine would take longer to implement than just a normal live play or leakfinder video.I propose a video/article/filters combination, where an article would be written listing the filters that will be used in the video. Maybe a very brief explanation of applicability of each filter could be outlined in the article. Each filter could also be available for download, to make it easier for us and so we don't screw up the filters. The video would demonstrate each filter and explain different leaks that can be discovered with each filter, what the results mean, and how to fix these leaks.There are two different sites (probably more) that offer similar services for 6 max or full ring games. One that you are likely familiar with is an addon to HEM called "Leak Buster." This is really a fantastic piece of software that can analyze a wide variety of possible leaks as gauged against a large database of players and their winrates.  Obviously, this type of software would not be practical, but it can form the basis of a video idea.Another site that I belong to has an idea more similar to what I am thinking about. I honestly don't remember the site name at the moment; I paid a cheap one-time fee to join. It advertised that it was full of videos to help you get the most from HEM. I found most of them way too basic. However, the reason I joined was for the videos about using downloadable filters paired with video presentations on how to use them to uncover your leaks.I was ultimately disappointed, because the instructor did not go into nearly enough detail and also said I couple things I realized were blatently wrong about what certain results meant.But I believe the potential for a video series about using HEM to uncover your leaks in HU SNGs is incredible. The presentation needs to be much more organized than the BigSage video, so that we can follow along more easily and apply numerous filters to our own data.I realize that the BigSage video was a leakfinder directed at a specific individual, and the purpose was not to show others directly how to uncover their leaks. So the video did serve it's intended purpose quite well.As always, if you are interested in discussing this idea further, I always have a lot of ideas, good or bad.But again, I think there is a potential for a series of five or more (maybe ten) videos along these lines. And these would be a unique addition to your video library, covering topics that cannot be covered any other way.