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mistersister's picture
Suggestions on good videos.

Hello.Im pretty new to this great site. I have so far watched two videos, both made by Primo. Two videos where he discuesses very basickind of things. For the moment Im grinding 10+0.50 $, reg speed. I have been doing this for a while, making a small profit. I have been studying very little about husng but was planning to change that now. Someone who can suggest any videos for me? I welcome all tips, what Im looking for is videos going through the basics. Eventhough I know most of the things in the basic vids I wanna study them, cus i dont know every thing, i just wanna build a strong foundation of knownledge./ Mistersister

RyPac13's picture
Hi Mistersister and welcome

Hi Mistersister and welcome to the site.I would recommend watching some of the videos in the Video Planning Guide (found on the green Videos tab on every page of the site).Mjw006 and HokieGreg are two instructors often recommended when players ask similar questions as you.I would avoid Skates and xSCWx in particular for basics (great instructors, two of the best videomakers, but not instructors we often associate with basic videos or simple breakdown explanations for beginners). The other instructors will vary (you'll find some basic videos or explanations, and some others that are more complex or require more work). Stick to $5-50 level videos for the most part, stick to turbo and regular speed videos (hyper turbo will take place at 25/30bb and less, turbos are more indicative of what you face every game decision wise). And above all, if you find an instructor you really like and feel you're getting a lot from, ignore anything I just advised and watch more of that instructor.Let me know if you need some more direction on what to watch.

RyPac13's picture
Oh and leakfinder videos are

Oh and leakfinder videos are also good videos for you to watch. You'll find more actual examples of mistakes or problems that you likely have in your own game in these leakfinders, especially the $5-30 level leakfinders.And I know I said to stick to $5-50 level videos, but if you're not finding anything being talked about to be too advanced, move up in the stakes of the videos you watch very fast, some of our very best content takes place in the $100+ buyin videos, so as soon as you can understand what they are saying and apply it to your game, the better you will be for it.