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2hotty420's picture
Super Turbo Blues...

Hey folks,I've been playing the super turbo's on fulltilt a lot recently; basically because I found Cog's series of videos very accessible and the ideas easy to apply. At first I could do no wrong, turned $40 into just over $200 with very little to report. Recently though i've been experiancing jaw dropping losses, suckouts that range from standard to the quite remarkable. I understand that there's a high level of variance in these games because of the games structure so i'm keeping calm, leaving my screen when feeling tilty and generally trying to keep my emotions well out of it. I have noticed some weirdness though and i'm not afriad to ask a stupid question so here goes...is say, top pair medium kicker ever a hand you want to get all the money in with on the flop? These are the hands I see the most fireworks with; say ive got T8 and the board comes down 8 3 4, my opponent bets out, I shove and get called by Q8. Now maybe i'm an idiot; but I don't see how I can get away from this in a super turbo?!? Regular speeds of course give you more room to manouever and you don't need to take every bit of every flop you hit; it's obviously more situational and opponent/read based. Am I just getting cold decked or are there any people out there who think this is SO marginal its an easy fold? Any input would be most greatfully aprreciated fellow HUSNGoers!

RyPac13's picture
Folding top pair in a super

Folding top pair in a super turbo is a rarity worth posting about probably.Sounds like you're playing fine in the aspects you talk about (getting it in with top pair).  Ignore the variance and suckouts, that can last for a few thousand games and I'm not exaggerating.

2hotty420's picture
Thanks RyPac, sometimes the

Thanks RyPac, sometimes the suckouts/beats just scramble my brain so it's nice to have someone that knows what they're talking about re-affirm your thinking.

jackoneill's picture
Just one good advice from

Just one good advice from me:Never experience with super turbos unless you're absolutely emotionally stable and can handle the variance well.Happened to me in October, which was a horrible month for me (not Poker related).  I really shouldn't have played, but tried some Super Turbos on Cake as a distraction ... which went horribly wrong.  I think I lost way over 50 buy-ins - and playing well below my usual limit added to some crazy "oh, it's just ten bucks ... All In!" tilt.One thing I can say in hindsight is - I had the feeling that many opponents on the small stakes don't seem to balance their ranges properly with their monsters, so I think a lot of situations where I got it in bad could have been avoided if I just payed attention.  Since I've also been impatient to wait for fish, I also repeatedly sat the same regulars quite a bit, so I should have been able to get decent reads.The super high variance in these games is a very dangerous thing if you're not sure you can beat them - it's just so easy to talk yourself into thinking "it's just variance".