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joeblow's picture
Table Selection

I'm curious as to whether or not people try (or are able) to table select in HUSNGs? Seems to me that it is pretty hard to do on the main sites (Starts/FTP) since most tables at the lower levels fill up rather quickly. By the time you try searching for a name on Sharkscope or within that poker client to see if they're playing a lot of tables, someone else will have already taken the spot. Is this pretty much non-existent in HUSNGs? Except for maybe the higher levels where tourneys don't fill up as quickly maybe. Also, along that same thought, I'm curious if people Sharkscope their opponent once they've entered the tourney to see how their track record is? I've found that doing that actually makes me play less optimal at times because I tend to alter my play based on the player I think someone is based on their Sharkscope stats (I'm talking players with thousands of games, not just 10 or 100) instead of actually paying attention to how the player is playing that particular match, because in essence that's all that really matters. I think one is better off working off previous notes made on player, but I don't have a ton of matches yet so I rarely come across someone I've played before. Just curious as to the thoughts of others. Thanks.....-JB

qattack's picture
Perhaps the best thing you

Perhaps the best thing you can do is color code your notes each time you play an opponent so that you can view the color from the lobby and decide whether or not you would like to play that opponent.Assuming you are interested in improving your HU skills, you are using good bankroll management, and you are playing at stakes where you have a positive ROI against your average opponent, maybe the best strategy is not to worry about the level of your opponent and play all takers. You can always elect to avoid any opponent in the future using your color-coded notes.You say that you rarely run across someone you have played before, so I would guess the majority of your opponents are average at best and you shouldn't fear any of your opponents.If you are playing at a stakes where tournies fill quickly, you probably have a lot of room to improve your game. Of course this is advice from someone playing $5.25s, so I have a looooooooot to learn myself.