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olionion's picture
Thanks for the quality resources


Im a new member here, ive been playing poker for quite a while now and was a break even player in the smaller stakes for a long time but just wanted to say thanks for providing a quality site.  Im working my way through all the videos and have definately upped my game since becoming a subscriber.  The info on Sage was v good and despite having read a load of books not something i'd come across before.

This isnt a brag at all but thought you might like to see the impact the site has had on my ROI, hopefully ill be able to get out of the smaller stakes soon and take my game up a peg or two, playing the random nutters in the small stakes can be hard work for all the wrong reasons...

I need to get a lot more volume in (which is difficult as im self employed) but its good to have things moving in the right direction



Ps anyone thinking of joining the vids here are worth more than the library of books i have combined

The big drop at 500 games is a lesson to anyone thinking of playing after a night out...

xSCWx's picture
Damn, what stakes is that?

Damn, what stakes is that? That's a hell of an upswing!

olionion's picture
 Its just at the 20$ buy

 Its just at the 20$ buy ins but its nice to finally be making some money, thanks again :)