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mige72's picture
Thinkpad T400 and Windows 7

I just wanna say that these 2 rocks. RAM usage in Windows 7 dropped with half compared to Vista...

The Thinkpad is silent and does not heat so you can have it on your lap withour burning yourself. Baterylife is 5h with normal battery and can be upgraded to about 10h. Important issues for us pokerplayers :)



OMGvickypollard's picture
I would not use a beta

I would not use beta versions/release candidates of system software on the same PC I handle with probably large amounts of money.

mige72's picture
Well, I think its quite safe

Well, I think its quite safe with all security soft I have. Have you heard about anything concrete?

OMGvickypollard's picture
No nothing concrete yet, but

No nothing concrete yet, but in the recent past, so many accounts have been hacked so I try to avoid any risk.