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eldooder's picture
Tilt sitting regs

Do you guys do this? Sometimes when i downswing and i know i'm stuck and should switch off poker or go over a few games but instead I get an irrationall urge to go and sit all the regs in the lobbies plus usually playing really poorly...Anyone else do this and if so why and what do you do prevent it? Is a big problem for me...

Barrin's picture


eldooder's picture
Thanks mate very useful

Thanks mate very useful videos there. Funny how i think i've got this tilt thing together only to realise im a massive tilter... :)

Barrin's picture
I think that lots of HU

I think that lots of HU players are suffering from tilt. I do so too. It's funny tough.....I have no problems with a suckout when playing 6max CG, or FR SNGs or whatever, but for some reason.....in HU SNG i really take it personally and blaim my opponent for it.


chadalicious's picture
there is a great article on

there is a great article on 2p2 about the EV of mouse smashing. a mouse costs about $10-$20,so if smahing it stops you from tilting off several buy ins it can certainly be worth it.though I highly recommend having a backup plan for downloading porn.It is always easier said than done but if you are feeling tilted....leave the house....go to the store and buy a soda,go for a walk a drive...call a friend and go for a beer.hell call a hooker..but take a break from the cards.

Barrin's picture
My mouse is worth about $100

My mouse is worth about $100 bucks......and I do not intend of smashing it.Due to work I usually play in the afternoon anyways and once I get on monkey-tilt (which I do notice, once it happens) and it is really worse, I just self-exclude myself for 12 hrs cooldown. Seems to be more EV then smashing the mouse. Also, i have several back-up-mouses so I would have to smash them all.


RyPac13's picture
I can't imagine smashing a

I can't imagine smashing a mouse being a good way to relieve stress, but then again, I'm not a mental game expert.

chadalicious's picture
the article was written by

the article was written by baluga whale,it wasnt so much about relieving stress but the ev of mouse smashing. I believe at the time he was playing $500+ sngs.......so if smashing a $100 mouse keeps you from tilting off 5+ buyins then it just might be worth it. oddly enough i had more than enough opportunity to go on tilt during todays session.Yet managed to keep my composure.9-17 is not my favorite kind of day. I wasnt playing poorly though i certainly made several bad/borderline calls, a few i thought were good plays villain just happened to show up with the goods. mostly it was getting hammered by river 3 outters A2 vs my QQ ftw a few guys got all in the flop with gutters and unders vs my OPs and sets.even had one guy 4 bet jam the flop on a stone cold bluff I held AA flop was A6Jr he jammed the flop with 78o and hit a turn 9 river 5. All i could do was tell myself i did my job and got it in good....after i puked of course. Im sure there is no ever getting completely used to these runs but it seems I do get a bit better dealing with them everytime they happen

dhcg86's picture
use your heart rate as an

use your heart rate as an indicator of tilt.  when its going fast, and your irritated, your tilting. stop playing for a bit, and return later EZ