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Mr Monkeytilt's picture
Time to give up HUSNG?

I've been running better than avg in all in EV and built up a pitiful $86 over 300ish games at 5.25 and 6.25s after joining the site. In the last two days I've lost over $100 playing 75 games. Admittedly this is putting in more volume than usual but I have had time off and therefore time to play. Netting over -$1.4/game in the last 75, and putting me down overall in HUSNGs since I started playing them almost exclusively, should I just quit because i'm clearly not learning? I'm extremely frustrated because I thought I was learning/getting better but that is clearly not the case.

Newff's picture
Since you are a beginner and

Since you are a beginner and you winrate is probably not high to begin with..losing 20 buyins over a small sample is not really a big deal and will happen...swings will be big with a low winrate and you won't just cruise along variance free. The money you are losing now while learning (which is not a lot) you will get back as long as you keep trying...that money is not gone. Everyone here has struggled at some point so as a beginner this will be the time you are more likely to struggle. Your more likely to struggle beating the $5's or $6's while your new to HUSNG's and are just learning them than you are to struggle beating stakes like the $50's or $100's once you know the game. If you stick with it you should do ok, but theres no way of us knowing whether it's worth it for you to quit or not.

MuLiTiAx's picture
I ran similarly bad when

I ran similarly bad when starting out just the same. It's all part of the learning experience. If I were you, I'd just stick to the $5.25 reg speeds for now to rebuild not only your roll but your confidence in the game. Like Newff stated, swings are going to be crazy with such a low win rate in any form of poker and it seems like they're even more crazy in HU because of the fact that you're only 1-2 tabling them as opposed to 12 tabling 9-mans. Keep your head in the game, always be learning and the variance will even itself out. When I came to this site not too long ago I was running much worse than you but have since put in a lot of time studying the game and now I'm running an avg roi of 11.8%. I'm not a brilliant player by no means, I just know that nothing in life is easy and if you want to master something you have to work your ass off. There are stretches of games where I'll be on a sick win streak only to have that shattered by another losing streak and it's hard to keep a level head when that happens. A few tips to help with this is don't look at your cashier when you're on such streaks, and if you use Sharkscope don't look at your stats after each session. Also if you use programs like HEM don't refresh your stats/graph after every game. Just play your best, always adapt to your oppents and run good.  Best of luck :)

IB_Fishing's picture
First you have to decide if

First you have to decide if you are really willing to do whatever it takes to be a winning HUSnG player. If you decide that you are really willing to put in the hard work then you should not give up. I suggestion you work on the following three things:1) Identifying your opponent2) Learn opponent's hand range for high, med and low blind3)Learn opponent's betting patterns and tendiciesI have no ideal of how much knowledge or understanding you have relating to HUSnG, but I am going to suggest that you look at the video disscussion forum and check out the videos MuLiTiAx suggested (Thread is stickied). If you already know and understand the subject matter covered in these videos then please disregard this suggestion.And remember the old saying: winners never quit and quitters never win.PaulIB_FishingSpitting out old wise sayings

jackoneill's picture
Yeah, and keep in mind that

Yeah, and keep in mind that you can't do that if you don't focus enough on your games.  Playing too many games per session as a beginner is just a recipe for disaster.It's way more important to make the correct decisions in every single game and fully focus on the learning part than doing some crazy high volume.Playing 75 games in 2 days is more than 35 games per day which is some 4+ hours of play each day if you only played one single table.  That's way, way too much.As a beginner - and especially when running bad - drastically reduce the numer of games you play per session, don't do more than about 5 games per day and fully focus on your opponents.  Run each match through the replayer when you're done with it.This isn't about making money quickly, it's about learning and builidng a strong foundation to make money later.Quick math:If you play 50 games a day now at the $5's - and your ROI as a beginner is probably around 2% - that's $5 per day, you can't get rich that way.  However, if you learn and improve your game, you'll eventually beat the $100's with a 5% ROI some day and then make $5 per match.

dzikijohnny's picture
I am having same problem in

I am having same problem in moving up even a little from the $5s to the $10s.  My variance at the tens is sick.  Way below the redline.  So I am going to study improve as much as possible and enjoy the $5s, double my bankroll and then take another shot.