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pod777's picture
Titan Poker and my ROI

actually, i'm gonna play (again) with full tilt poker the husng's....1) does anyone know, if full tilt or titan poker is easier to beat at the lowstake-husng's? i don't have a samplesize which deserves the name... but now i played 125 turbo husngs (1$, 5% rake) and have a ROI of 20%..... and the first 28 games were from earlier (before knowing strategies of husng)... and was 2 dollars behind...... but...2) is 20% realistic to keep at the 1$-husng's?... since game 29 i lost once three in a row (worst streak)and...i'm on 71$ at titan..3). when should i switch to the 2$-tables? i don't think the players there are better:)

Pchelkin R's picture
Dont overanalyze a 100 game

Dont overanalyze a 100 game sample.20% should be easy at 1$ given player has beat higher stakes. As for the husng field on TP i dont know.


MikMikMik's picture
As you said 125 games is a

As you said 125 games is a very small sample. Have a look again after 500+ games. Somewhere around 20% is prob sustainable at 1s-2s, but if it is you should move to 5s pronto.Full Tilt will be tougher just because of the extra rake at 1s and 2s. On iPoker (titan) there's not much difference between 1s and 2s... probably a few more open shovers at 1s but that's about it. 5s are a noticeably tougher but not real tough.$5s on Tilt you get a lot more traffic, and as a result I feel a lot more easy opposition as well. I've only played 500 games on tilt vs 5000 on iPoker though, so I don't have a full picture on FTP yet.$71 is plenty for $2s if you're doing great at 1s imo... drop back down to 1s if your br drops to $30ish, or earlier if you can't really handle seeing such a low #.If you multitable you can also start doing a mix - open one $1 table and one $2 table.