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longjohn's picture
Top pair on wet board

No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter BTNHero1596  BBtnatum1404  Effective Stacks: 28bb Blinds 25/50 Pre-Flop (75, 2 players) Hero is BTN Hero raises to 100, tnatum calls 50 Flop (200, 2 players) tnatum bets 142, Hero raises to 350, tnatum calls 208 Turn (900, 2 players) tnatum checks, Hero checks River (900, 2 players) tnatum bets 954, Hero folds Final Pot: 1854 tnatum wins 1854 ( won +450 ) Hero lost -450I have seen the guy lead mp before but that was the only time I had been to showdown with him from a lead. I raised the flop to get value from any draws he might have should I have bet the turn and folded to a raise? and do you think people are ever bluffing this river?

Barewire's picture
I'm iffy on the flop raise,

I'm iffy on the flop raise, he makes a pretty big bet here on a board where we're almost never way ahead of a hand he's stacking off. I think I'd rather let a turn peel since I don't expect to get blown off the best hand on a 4straight or 4flush card and we can get the money in further ahead of his range on later streets if those cards don't come. If I knew more about how weak he was donking and could be more certain about how he reacts to our raise (does he fold lower pairs, does he jam draws or flat them) then I'd have a more clear cut stance on the flop but my standard is to flat with this much money behind and jam if there was only 700 behind for example. As played I think I would at least consider calling the river. We have the nut two pair which is useful when he ends up being terrible and shoves some hands that don't make sense like QhX or 64s. Outside of that we have a pure bluff catcher, but the wider we expect him to peel the flop with 8x hands the more missed heart hands we can put in his range. We only need to be good around 35% here and I think missed hearts will make up enough of his range where even if he isn't bluffing them 100% we should probably still call.

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mateusz372's picture
 Your raise on the flop is

 Your raise on the flop is awfull, because its too small. He's not donking often, so he might be strong here. I'd call on the flop, call or fold on the turn and river. You are never a big favourite vs his shipping range on the flop. Some people would bluff on the river. With an 8 he would probably have bet the turn. Next time put some information about his calling range from the bb. I didnt know if he would call with Q2s or 3bet with A8s.  I think youre good about 40-50% here, so call.