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lakong's picture
Tracking software

Love to get some feedback on PokerTracker vs. HoldEm Manager, please provide thoughts on both and which one you like best and why. Before I spend $$ I want to get some idea of which is best and why.Also.. saw Poker-edge.com, whats the deal with this one? Legit?   

supersize's picture
poker edge is prohibited on

poker edge is prohibited on pokerstars. idk about other sites but i would assume most won't allow it. the only thing i can really comment about the 2 programs, is HEM uses less CPU so the program doesn't slow my computer. i have only used PT3 free trail and it slowed my PC to a crawl. and this was on 2.3GHz processor with 3GB ram.just that reason alone was enough for me to choose HEM over PT3.

Kratos's picture
You can try
lakong's picture
Thank you.. i know about the

Thank you.. i know about the free trial.. but seeing as how i am sure a lot of peeps here use them.. i could get some solid feedback on each.

Boulases's picture
hm + 1 

hm + 1 

huyeah's picture
hm + 2

hm + 2

BA Baracus's picture
I have both.  When I was a

I have both.  When I was a MTT reg, my buddies had PT3 and I fell in line.  I truly hated dropping HEM.   I'm back using HEM now that I'm a HUSNG reg.They are the same really.  But I find HEM much more intuitive... especially when i comes to analyzing your game via filters.   I also like:HEM: Pros1) When you click on a Tourney, you can read the action of the hands at a glance STREET by STREET at a glance.  HEM uses abreviations like R, C, RC, XF... for Flop, Turn, and River.  You must open the replayer in PT3 to see what happened each time... time consuming2) Support is better in HEM IMO.  On PT3's forums, I would get canned responses.  My one solution would be buried under 1000 page document.  I would re-and reread til I figured it out.  But when I needed support on HEM, responses were personalized and to the point.  And if you couldn't figure it out.. then you could schedule a TeamViewer session and they would fix it for you remotely.3) HEM has more video tutorials to get you up in running.  DuecesCracked has a free Tool Time videos on HEM.  There's tons on Youtube.  And if that wasn't enough.. an site devoted to HEM training videos: www.holdemmanagertraining.com. Finding a PT3 training video... a decent one.... in English..  is like finding a virgin in a whorehouse.  I think there is 3 of them.  That's it.4) Most of the top players use HEM... PT3, not so much.  So you get more familiar utilzing the interface watching training video.. because they use what you use.  If you get coached, they are more likely familiar with HEM.   No learning curve.PT3: ProsI cant find a reason to choose PT3 over HEM.  You need a PT3 loyalist to comment.  Not too many of them I'm afraid.